Showing 9 Result(s)

‘Experiment.’ Product Label

This client created an all-natural skincare line and was in need of copywriting assistance. We discussed what his main goals were for his business and who he would like to reach. The client did not want to be like other beauty brands and wanted to keep his verbiage casual. Together we achieved a simple, slang …

Email Sign-up Welcome Response

For this client, she wanted to begin a brand new email list. The client’s goal was to find a way to reach her audience outside of social media and bring a familiarity aspect into her brand’s email. In collaboration with the client, we found a tone and style that works to be more personable with …

E-Marketing Newsletter

This client was in desperate need of digital marketing help. The client’s business was growing and needed a more streamlined way to deliver information to their audience. I worked in a team with two others to complete a comprehensive digital marketing team. The content was cross-pollinated between information on the company website, social media channels, …

General Creative Newsletter

For this client, they wanted a way to stay connected to their clients and potential clients. They also wanted a solution outside of social media to advise their clients of news and announcements. We were able to achieve that through creative, visually appealing newsletters—I designed and used copywriting skills to convey the messages. For this …

Vitesse Worldwide Wedding Transport Options

This project was a starting point for the client to explore other options of marketing. Their goal was to begin blogging to share information about their other services aside from chauffeured services. We were teamed with an advertising marketing specialist and were able to identify which service to expand on and write a converting blog …

ByMarquez Website Content

ByMarquez is the brand of a photographer who has turned his passion into his day job. For this project, the client decided to showcase his talents online but was having trouble talking about himself. I was tagged in to assist in capturing his story and voice for his About Me page. I was able to successfully take …

Re-Engagement Newsletter

The client’s goal for this project was to re-engage with their clients, established and potential. The client utilizes Hubspot for storing clients’ information but has never used the email marketing features. I saw this as an opportunity to remind the clients of important business matters, such as updating their passwords. All reminders listed are things …

Accounting Email Marketing Campaign

This client is an accounting professional who was looking for ways to stay connected with his client base and increase sales. After consultation, I advised them that email marketing would be their best bet to acquire their attention. I composed two short email marketing campaigns centered around the accounting services that the client provides. We …

The Making of a Movement: Broccoli City Festival 2017

The goal for this client was to profile the creator of the newly buzzing festival, Broccoli City. This project was an interview with the founder, Brandon McEachern. The site,, wanted to highlight his efforts to promote healthy living in urban communities due to the aligned interests with the site’s owner. The goal and result …